Badatz Sheiris Yisrael: Braekel Is Kosher Mehadrin

The machlokes among leading poskim surrounding the Braekel bird continues, as HaGaon HaRav Moshe Yehuda Leib Landau Shlita and Eida Chareidis Ravaad HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita ruled it is prohibited. On the other hand, HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita has ruled the bird is permitted.

Joining those who permit the bird is the Badatz Sheiris Yisrael hechsher as HaGaon HaRav Tzvi Weber Shlita, a member of the badatz and a talmid who was very close to Maran HaGaon HaRav Elyashiv ZT”L has ruled to permit the bird, citing it is kosher mehadrin by all standards.

In a discussion held in the office of Rabbi Avraham Boyar, one of the most prominent Litvish rabbonim in Betar Illit, it was clarified that HaGaon HaRav Weber ruled in the name of Rav Elyashiv that the argument of HaGaon Rav Landau of Bnei Brak Shlita regarding the divided legs is irrelevant because these birds are kosher l’chatchila.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. Some 18 years ago I spoke to Rav Shmuel Wosner re: cross bred chickens and the Kabir breed.
    Rav Wosner held that all of our USA & EY chickens are to be used li’chatchila.

    The Kabir should not be used, Rav Wosner bnever have allowed the Braekel breed..
    BTW- Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Landau, Rav Rubin, Rav Machpud, etc. all of them asseered the Braekel.

  2. The reasoning underlying the different opinions is a secret well kept by YWN. It would be more informative to read the reasoning of the rabbonim, not just their differing conclusions.

  3. Oiy, yoih! As if there aren’t enough problems in the frum velt!

    Now those who are machmir to eat eida food, can’t eat Sharis food too! It can put a wedge between frum yidden. Your pots are not kosher according to my view; I can’t eat at your simcha, etc.

  4. Some 18 years ago I spoke to Rav Shmuel Wosner re: cross bred chickens and the Kabir breed.
    Rav Wosner held that all of our USA & EY chickens are to be used li’chatchila.
    The Kabir should not be used, Rav Wosner bnever have allowed the Braekel breed..
    BTW- Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Landau, Rav Rubin, Rav Machpud, etc. all of them asseered the Braekel.

  5. This is not accurate. Others have posted signs from the Shearis themselves stating will only be certifying the normal standard pld fashion chicken.

  6. This article is somwhat surprising, as a few days ago (9 Elul) the B’datz sheeris published a signed proclamation they they are only slaughtering poultry of the breeds used until now. This was publicised on B’Hadre at the time and can still be seen there.

  7. To “Yudel”
    Please stop publicizing misleading “information.”
    The whole search for the Braekel was begun at the instigation of Harav Wosner ztz”l himself, who held that the current broiler chicken is highly problematic. His talmid muvhak, Harav Klein shlit”a, attests to this. When Harav Wosner was shown a Braekel, many years ago, he approved it. Without this approval, those who have developed the Braekel over the last years would not have dared to invest millions upon millions – why would they do so, unless they had “broad halachic shoulders” upon which to rely?
    The question about the Kabir is unrelated to that of the Braekel. Those who developed the Kabir refused, upon questioning by Harav Wosner, to reveal which breeds were crossbred into the Kabir end-product, therefore Harav Wosner refused to permit it.
    The Braekel, however, is what is known as a heritage breed, meaning that it is not cross-bred at all; it is simply a Braekel, without any other type of chicken or bird mixed in.
    After seeing so many of your posts with the same misleading “information” I start to worry who is paying you…

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