The Complete TGI Chareidi Media Survey

The TGI survey for the chareidi sector published Wednesday morning 8 Elul shows that the Kol Chai radio station continues to maintain its status as the leading radio station in the chareidi sector, with a significant gap compared to Kol Berama radio station.

In the daily newspaper sector, a change took place, with Hamodia taking first place and Yated Neeman taking second place in the percentage of exposure. In the freebies sector, the ‘Kav Etonut’ is gaining strength in the percentage of exposure, and is again in first place compared with the ‘Merkaz Inyanim’, which has weakened in the current survey.

The current survey shows once again that while the Internet market is constantly growing, where the “Kikar Shabbos ” site leads safely in the first place and the printed chareidi press is unable to rise, and in part it even decreases in percentage of exposure.

Sources in the communications market explain that even in the current survey one can see that the chareidi media, and the Internet sector, which has gained a significant boost in recent years, is the engine that attracts the entire chareidi press market, as can be seen in leading the agenda every day.

The present survey presents the exposure data for July 2016 to June 2017, compared to the previous survey that presented the exposure data for January-December 2016 (the survey a year ago, presented the exposure data from July 2015 to June 2016).

Radio stations

The Kol Hai radio station drops from 30.2 percent in the previous survey (31.5 percent in a survey a year ago) to 26.9 percent in the current survey, but maintains its position in the chareidi sector, with a considerable margin ahead of the competition.

The Kol Brahma radio station rises slightly from 20.1 percent in the previous poll (22.3 percent in a survey a year ago) to 20.5 percent in the current survey, but remains in second place.

The daily newspapers

The newspaper Hamodia ranks first in the daily newspaper sector, rising from 17.0 percent in the previous survey (16.3 percent in a survey a year ago) to 18.1 percent in the current survey.

The Yated Neeman newspaper ranked second, down from 19.8 percent in the previous survey (24.1 percent in a survey a year ago) to 17.1 percent in the current survey.

The HaMevaser newspaper maintains stability from the previous survey, which received 11.1 percent of the exposure (10.2 percent in the survey a year ago), with 11.0 percent exposure in the current survey.

The HaPeles newspaper is growing from 10.4 percent in the previous survey (14.1 percent in a survey a year ago) to 13.7 percent in the current survey

The weekend papers

The Mishpacha magazine recorded a slight increase from 21.1 percent in the previous survey (24.1 percent in the survey a year ago) to 21.3 percent in the current survey, and remained in first place in the weekend newspapers sector.

The Hamodia newspaper reported a decline from 18.3 percent in the previous survey (16.2 percent in a survey a year ago) to 16.8 percent in the current survey, enough to take second place.

Yated Neeman’s exposure in the previous survey (21.0% in the survey a year ago) was 16.0% in the current survey.

The BaKehilla newspaper is growing from 8.0 percent in the previous survey (8.1 percent in a survey a year ago) to 8.9 percent in the current survey.

The newspaper HaMevaser records a decline from 7.7 percent in the previous survey (8.8 percent in a survey a year ago) to 6.6 percent in the current survey.

The Sha’ah Tova newspaper is growing from 1.8 percent in the previous survey (2.2 percent in the survey a year ago) to 2.5 percent in the current survey.

The daily Yom L’Yom newspaper, which experienced changes in ownership in recent months, recorded a decline from 4.5 percent in the previous survey (4.0 percent in a survey a year ago) to 3.3 percent in the current survey.

The freebies

The free daily newspapers –

The Yated Ne’eman newspaper, which is distributed free on Tuesdays, records a slight drop from 50.1 percent in the previous survey (44.9 percent in a survey a year ago) to 49.9 percent in the current survey.

The Friday paper, which is partly free and partly free, is slightly stronger than the 11.8 percent in the previous survey (14.0 percent in a survey a year ago) to 13.6 percent in the current survey.

The freebies distributed on weekends –

The Kav Etonut network is strengthened from 24.4 percent in the previous survey (24.6 percent in a survey a year ago) to 26.1 percent in the current survey.

The Merkaz Inyanim network is down from 25.3 percent in the previous survey (24.1 percent in the survey a year ago) to 20.1 percent in the current survey.


The weekly Katifa magazine records an increase from 12.8 percent in the previous survey (14.6 percent in a survey a year ago) to 13.2 percent in the current survey.

The monthly Zman magazine, which is published once a month, is up from 19 percent in the previous survey (20.3 percent in the survey a year ago) to 21.3 percent in the current survey.

The Te’imot magazine, which also comes out once a month, is up from 10.3 percent in the previous survey (6.7 percent in a survey a year ago) to 11.2 percent in the current survey.

The TGI marketing database is conducted by Kantar Media Research Ltd. and under the professional supervision and supervision of the Research Committee of the Association of Advertising Companies.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Interesting how the Internet is growing in the Charadi sector, but I remember many many years ago when the Eida Charada was against listening to the radio, so there is a change away from being blindly frum….

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