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PHOTOS: United Hatzalah Allocates A Mobile Intensive Care Unit To Bnei Brak


A festive event was hosted in Bnei Brak’s Concord Hall, the dedication of a mobile intensive care unit to the community by United Hatzalah. The event coincided with the celebration of sheva brachos for David Spry, as well as an evening honoring he volunteers of United Hatzalah, Bnei Brak.

Moshe Teitelbaum, CEO of Ichud Hatzalah, said: “This is the first intensive care unit of United Hatzalah joining the 24 ambulances of Ichud Hatzalah. This ambulance will save lives and operate for free for the benefit of Bnei Brak residents. ”

Bnei Brak Mayor Chanoch Zeibert spoke at the ceremony in which he mentioned the extensive activities of more than 100 volunteers from United Hatzalah of Ichud Hatzalah for the allocation of the mobile intensive care unit in order to provide the residents of the city of Bnei Brak with the most advanced medical response, all on a voluntary basis.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: United Hatzalah spokesman unit)

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