Beis Yaakov Parents Decide To Strike In Urgent Asifa

Despite the deal between Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat and Degel Hatorah, a strike is threatening in N’vei Yaakov. Dozens of parents convened in an asifa on motzei Shabbos to discuss the critical shortage of kindergarten space on Ravitz Street in the Kaminetz area in that community. They are threatening to strike the opening of the kindergartens this year due to the overcrowding.

The way things are today, some parents have a 25-minute walk from home to the nearest kindergarten appropriate for chareidi children, adding hundreds of chareidi faimie. Parents speaking during the asifa lamented the cold shoulder they perceive to be the response from city officials.

Askanim in the community then shifted to public transportation, explaining the level of service is not what is being promised and a solution has still not been found in their community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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