Givat Ze’ev Kindergarten Targeted By Vandals

Many chareidim has settled in Givat Ze’ev were Karliner Chassidim have settled some time ago. As a result of so many new families moving in, there is a shortage of kindergarten space for the chareidi sector. Ditto for cheiders for the chareidim.

A group of Sephardi residents headed by HaGaon Rav David Sofer, a son of HaGaon Rav Chaim Sofer, decided to establish a new chareidi kindergarten. It was hoped the kindergarten would eventually turn into a cheider. The kindergarten received the necessary permits from local authorities, allocating an area inside the Givot Olam Building.

However, despite receiving the permits required, it appears not everyone is pleased with the opening of a new chareidi facility. One father from a chareidi family told chareidi media “We have been quiet for a long time. They threaten us and try to scare us into remaining silent. This however is the limit” explained the dad after the new facility was damaged vandals.

An investigation has been launched.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. “They threaten us and try to scare us into remaining silent.”

    What is there to threaten about opening up a kindergarten for other people? Who is doing the threatening? the neighbors or the other religious groups?

  2. “Many chareidim has settled in Givat Ze’ev were Karliner Chassidim have settled some time ago.”

    Typical of the standard of editing on YWN today. Compare articles written today with some from eight to ten years ago to see the appalling drop in simple plain sense.
    It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.

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