Women Of The Wall Attempt To Smuggle In A Sefer Torah To The Kosel On Rosh Chodesh R”L

There was a mini riot at the Kosel Wednesday morning 2 Rosh Chodesh Elul after members of Women of the Wall (WoW) smuggled in a Sefer Torah by wrapping it around a member. It was R”L against a woman’s body, under her clothing. A guard did detect it and did not permit it inside.

Many who witnessed what was taking place expressed outrage and disgust over compromising the kedusha of the Sefer Torah as they did, all in the effort to smuggle it in to the women’s area.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. This desecration of a Sefer Torah is further evidence of the insincerity of these women off the wall. It certainly seems that it’s publicity and fame rather than religious fervor that drives these women. Don’t they realize that the Torah shouldn’t be used as a prop, but that the contents should be studied and followed?

  2. They finally showed their true colors. Torah is a prop that can be used as one wishes. Keep shabbos when convenient, drive to shul if inconvenient. Keep kosher in the house. Make up the rules a you go along. Hashem yishmor.

  3. The women of the wall are nutcases who want to flaunt their feminism. They practice a cult-movement called Reform which is in no way related to Judaism even though they claim to be a stream or a branch of Judaism. Their practices are foreign to Torah Law and their leaders are outright liars who have been trying to convince their gullible followers that their Reform practices are Jewish when, in fact, they’re not. Most or many of the Reform leaders don’t believe that Hashem gave us his Torah. These Reform liars believe that different men and women wrote various portions of what was compiled to be a Torah. Many of their leaders practice toeivah and many of them are not even Halochicaly Jewish since they laugh at Halocho and they don’t believe in it. These Reformers have a convention every year to determine what to believe in going forward. They make up their beliefs and what they refer to as a religion as they go along. Reform is not Judaism

  4. Was it a kosher Sefer Torah? Who sold it to them? Let’s just put them all in real Cheirem, or better yet, send them all on one way flight to Iran for reeducation. Maybe they’ll get their liberal nut-job heads screwed on straight in Sharia wonderland.

  5. Honestly, if we take a look at the left losing their collective minds in America, I wonder if stopping the smuggling is counter-intuitive. They are already desecrating the Sefer Torah. Every time they succeed in making a scene, they get more fodder to prove that we are in a war to oppress women. Ignore them and it will likely die out. Don’t forget the video from 17 Tamuz proving they really are not interested in the Kotel, just in making a scene.

  6. I am as outraged as the next person. I am just puzzled by one line in the article. Is it worse if the Torah was wrapped around a woman’s bare skin than if it was on a man’s bare skin, as the article seems to imply?

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