HaRav Boaron: We Can Live With A Woman Running The Batei Din

HaGaon HaRav Bentzion Boaron Shlita on Wednesday morning 24 Menachem Av commented on the High Court ruling supporting the appointment of a woman to head the nation’s batei din.

Rav Boaron was responding to the recent High Court of Justice ruling clearing the way for the appointment, which is opposed by Maran HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita as well as the Chief Rabbis of Israel.

Speaking with Noam Zeigman of Kol Berama Radio on Wednesday morning, Rav Boaron explained “we can live with a woman heading the batei din”, which is an administrative and non-halachic.

There is an exception here from the authority of the court. The Basic Regulations explicitly state that someone who has received rabbinical capacity or special capacity from the Chief Rabbinate is an intervention that deviates from the authority of the court and undermines the foundations of the court. The decision itself could have been lived with, but the problem is the tendency to intervene in the court. The day will come when the High Court of Justice can decide who will be a dayan.

When the rabbi was asked whether there was a problem in the actual sense, Rabbi Boaron said, “In essence, there are secretaries and there are clerks in all the courts, it’s not the most modest, but that’s the situation.”

The problem is the desire of the High Court of Justice to intervene in kashrus and in everything, unfortunately the chareidi parties are helpless. “The chareidi and religious parties must stand in the breach and this should not continue.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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