AG Mandelblit Supports Permitting Toeiva Couples To Adopt R’L

Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit supports giving toeiva couples the right to adopt children. Channel 2 News on Wednesday evening 24 Menachem Av reported Mandelblit stated his opinion on the matter in a closed forum. He added that this is his own personal opinion, one which led to harsh responses a number of weeks earlier.

The matter has been brought before the High Court of Justice, prompting many to comment on toeiva adoption, which to date, has been prohibited in Israel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. It seems like YWN is all to eager in reporting these sorts of news stories. You would think that this sort of website would shy away from these topics. I guess the high readership that these discussions tend to create, is all too appealing even for a Torah oriented website. Personally I think that YNW should avoid reporting on gay issues and the like, because at the very least armatures commenting on these matters really have little business in issuing any sort of opinion on these sensitive topics.
    That’s how I see it..

  2. I can understand that the AG will support the law, but a ‘religious’ man who comes out with a personal opinion against the Torah? This is unacceptable.

  3. Denial is no conclusion. This should be said loud and clear so people would know , protest and be aware.
    If this should be Hushed up, the Torah wouldn’t mention it.

  4. To faithand reason,
    First and foremost, don’t use the term “GAY” which stands for “Got Aids Yet”. refer to these toeivas as mental cases, because that’s what they are, sick people.

    This AG Mandelblit got himself a good paying job and he will do anything to keep it. Toeivah marriage should not be recognized in a Jewish State. I guess Zionist Israel has a way to go before it can reach its goal of becoming a Jewish State. For now Israel is a State of Jews. Confused Jews. Some who follow the Torah and the ways of Hashem and some who follow their PC conscience.

    We are desperately awaiting the arrival of Moshiach.

  5. drugcommish in LA
    Hey how are things?
    I’m wondering what you thought about my overall comment. Would be curious to know.

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