Deri On The Syrian Border, New Party Newspaper And Kol Berama

Shas party leader Minister Aryeh Deri interviewed on Wednesday evening 24 Menachem Av with Kol Chai Radio host Avi Mimron, speaking on a number of current issues including the situation in Syria, the sale of the party-affiliated Yom L’Yom newspaper, opening a new newspaper in response, giyur, the Sanhedria Talmid Torah machlokes and more.

Deri began by addressing the situation along the northern border, speaking as a member of the Security Cabinet. “The situation in Syria is very sensitive, I do not want to pressure the public, but I need a lot of tefilos. The prime minister is under very heavy pressure and he is the best person to deal with such issues,” he said. I wish him and his wife the best and that they should pass this difficult period in peace.”

Deri then turned to the sale of Yom L’Yom and the launching of the new newspaper; ‘HaDerech’. He explained Yom L’Yom was launched when they felt Yated Neeman no longer represented them and in fact, attacked Sephardim at times. The newspaper’s launching received a bracha from Maran ZT”L. Deri explained the newspaper had significant influence on the tzibur.

“You should understand that a newspaper that is a journal of the Moetzas Gedolei Torah cannot be in private hands, and it should be in the hands of people who are loyal to the Council and the movement’s leadership. You cannot go, whoever you are, you do not know who is who and after a year he will decide to fire editors and managers. ”

Deri explained he came to the realization the newspaper was no longer in Shas hands and therefore, it was no longer in a position to influence the party supporters. He explained that Kol Berama was established with the assistance of then Communications Minister Ariel Atias, with a bracha from Maran. The station was careful to follow Maran’s word but with time, this too changed.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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