SHOCK VIDEO: On Har Habayis – Terrorists In Training For The Palestinians


While the US administration continues to urge the PA (Palestinian Authority) to halt its policy of inculcating children with a hate for Israel, this is exactly the policy that is continued throughout the PA education system. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) continues to promise he is abiding by the American request, but facts on the ground pain a different picture.

In the accompanying video, we catch a glimpse of tomorrow’s Islamic terrorists, young Arabs given toy guns, which they direct at IDF soldiers on Har Habayis. While for some it may appear benign, the video carries a heavy message regarding the message received by the children – to murder Jewish soldiers as in the recent attack, which ironically led to the murders to two policemen from the Druse and not Jewish community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Look at the smile on the mother’s face as she proudly records her kids’ actions and sheps nachas. A real “Islamisheh mameh”.

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