Shmuel HaNavi Amusement Park Closes In The Heart Of Bein Hazmanim

The large amusement part that is erected annually during bein hazmanim in the Shmuel HaNavi area of Yerushalayim has closed suddenly, in the heart of vacation time. The ‘Luna Park’, which bills itself as the nation’s largest, is closed instead of accommodating the many children and adults who were counting on it for their vacation entertainment.

It appears that last week, a number of Ministry of Economy inspectors visited the site for a number of hours and upon completion of the visit, they informed operators they cannot operate. They obtained a court order closing down Luna Park.

Kikar Shabbos adds to the report that the operator, Eli Peretz, claims the closure is due to the fact the engineer who gave the okay to open this season is not affiliated with the ministry. Ministry officials however tell a different story, citing the facility poses a danger to the children visiting, even a life-threatening danger.

Ministry officials stand behind these findings, insisting they cannot the facility to operate for as long as it poses the safety hazards found during the inspection.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The same inspectors should go to Beit Hilkiya. There they have moving rides where little children are allowed to ride on their own without any adult supervision and without seat belts. The lavatories are too disgusting for any human being to use. No one gives a receipt for the high entrance fee either.

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