Leket Israel’s Innovative Growing Solely For The Needy In New Binyamina Field

Leket Israel, the largest food rescue organization in Israel, recently purchased a field near Binyamina, where vegetables will be grown solely for the needy. This land, is one of the only fields in Israel where produce is grown specifically for this purpose, and the only field that has a greenhouse to grow staple vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers for distribution to those in need on an ongoing basis, even during off seasons.

Joseph Gitler, Leket Israel’s Founder and Chairman: “What makes the Binyamina initiative so unique is our ability to grow the most sought after vegetables among Israeli society and to supply them to our 195 nonprofit partner agencies throughout the country. We are truly grateful for the substantial donation that made this dream become a reality.”

Pastor George Annadorai, Director of Shalom Israel Asia Pacific (SIAP), a Christian pro-Israel organization based in Singapore, provided Leket with the generous funds to purchase the Binyamina field.

The Pastor describes his delight in supporting this initiative: “We are honored to stand alongside Leket Israel in bringing daily food to Israel’s needy. Thanks to Leket, there are thousands who go to bed at night with a full stomach, and that is why we were motivated to create an entire farm to grow produce exclusively for the poor.”

To date, Leket rescues and distributes 15,000 tons of fruit and vegetables to the needy each year. The vast majority of which is donated to Leket by farmers all across Israel. The purpose of growing additional crops in Binyamina is to enrich the variety of produce Leket supplies, as well as to guarantee that even when donations might decrease, before the holiday season, Leket will not be affected.

In order to engage locals while also reducing expenditures, Leket is recruiting volunteers to assist in the planting and the harvesting. For example, members from agricultural youth movements in the Binyamina area are volunteering to assist in planting crops. In fact, this volunteering in the field is included as part of the students’ curriculums.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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