According to a report Monday by “Globes”, the number of Chareidim who have Internet is rising. Their report is based on information given to them by BEZEk. In Meah Shearim for example, 19% of residents have Internet.
Elad: 31%
Meah Shearim: 19%
Bnei Brak: 17%
Beitar Ilit: 18%
Netivot: 27%
Tzefas: 31%
Kfar Chassidim: 29%
Rechasim: 21%
Mod’in Ilit: 15%
Yerushalayim Ramot: 29%
25 Responses
A limud z’chus:
They may use it for parnosoh only.
Hey most people have it for cheap/international calls and not for computer internet use. It really doesn’t mean a thing.
Great Picture!
This is mainly phone service.
Comments #1 and #2 illustrate that the internet has many uses (as everyone here knows). As with almost any new technology, it can be used for good or bad. The challenge that we have is for us (and our families) to use the internet for good and to avoid the bad.
The stupidity is with those who see the negatives and reflexively try to ban the internet. (Reminds me of the “rav” who tried to ban cell phones for women since prostitutes use cell phones – you can’t make up something so absurd.) The report that many chareidim have internet connections is encouraging. May more continue to use the seichel that HaShem gave us, to use new technology, and to use it l’tovah.
many people use it only for e-mail
Whatever the reason an individual has internet, it is imperative to know the dangers, how to surf in a kosher way, what filters to use, and NEVER EVER allow a child access without parental guidance. Soon you will not be able to reserve flights, get a drivers license, obtain bank info withOUT internet access, prepare for the future with torah guidance and information.
Meah Shearim is full of bochurim diras and almost ever dirah has an American DSL phone line nowadays.
The same goes for all of these communities – many of those people have DSl phone lines. These numbers don’t prove anything. In the very American neighborhoods, the percentages are probably close to 80%.
Since you like to take a look at the “facts”, please take a look at this:
bear in mind that in Israel, you need to be connected to Bezeq AS WELL as an ISP (Bezeqnet, Zahav, 012, 013 Barak, etc)
such, that even if you have a “kosher” Internet account (limited access, or only email access), you still NEED to be connected through Bezeq (and pay to each company; slick, eh?). Hence Bezeq’s publishing the numbers and not an ISP.
next, add in those Americans who use the net to communicate (VOIP) w/o owning a computer….
(You might as well say those who use the cable phone lines have a cable account……and those who have drivers licenses are cab drivers, the analogies go on…). Plug in those running businesses, etc…
the numbers aren’t surprising, just be sure they weren’t taken out of context….
(we didn’t factor in any American Bochurim who do whatever they feel like as well as Israeli bochurim, and the Mir IS near Meah Shearim; you do the math)
oh, I neglected to mention that Arabs and not frum also make up the residents of Meah SHearim, as well as Ramot. SO convenient to make “labels” and publicize “breaking news”
All The Best
A reader who wanted to give a “fair and balanced” look at things.
I have children living in both Maalot Daphna (many Americans) and Ramat Shlomo (mostly Israelis) in Jerusalem. When I go there, I can pick up numerous wireless networks on Maalot Daphna but not one in Ramat Shlomo.
What about Lakewood? Probably 60%.
There is wireless in Ezras Torah also, mrs. Chicago.
so what? a) this study was based on dsl connections, which are primarily used as telephone lines.
b) why is this a story in the first place? as much as the internet is a highly dangerous tool, it’s productive uses cannot be ignored, and are usually very useful.
I’m sure there is wireless in Ezras Torah (and many other places) too; my point was that in the Israeli-charedei neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo there wasn’t (at least around where my family lives).
#13 kler
What gives you the right to guess the number at 60%. You (and I) have no idea what the number is. I’d venture to say that the number is a lot lower than that, but i really don’t know.
I do know that there are thousands of yungerlite learning that do not have the internet.
“I’m sure there is wireless in Ezras Torah (and many other places) too; my point was that in the Israeli-charedei neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo there wasn’t (at least around where my family lives).”—-I missed the THEREFORE!!!!
Just be dan lkav zchus that anyone who has this dangerous tool called the internet has it due to a business necessity and controls it for limited appropiate usage.
(And secondly, the source of this information is not Torah observant people and as such can not be relied upon for this information.)
Raboisai, we hear all kinds of tzoros, bank robberies in Lakewood and BP. How can we accept this loshon hara? We have to be dan lkaph zchus and assume that all they do on the internet is connect to Yeshiva World News.
Many of these figures are Mirrer and brisker apartments with DSL lines. Most of these lines sre DSL.
NeveAliza, Sorry, but I use no such source. My source for my second point is the Torah.
I’m sure that thia org. Bezek knows that the intenet usage in meah schorim is used for the usage of cheap phone calls.that org are putting the meah schorim area between the others so its coming another org. & putting with highlights meah schorim ” defanetly this is coming because of SINAS CHINOM” to frum pepole
I have family in both Beitar Illit and Modiin Illit. They use the internet for work and to communicate with family in the States.
why dont people worry about whats going on in their own house and stop hocking and darshining about everyone else
Who cares? So what if people in Meah Shearim are on line? That makes them no better or worse than anyone posting here. What’s the big deal?