Arabs Turn To High Court To Oust Jews From The Machpelah House In Hebron

An Arab family living in PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Hebron has turned to Israel’s High Court of Justice to evict Jewish residents from Beit Machpelah in the city.

Back in 2012, after purchasing the three-story building situated near the Machpelah from the Abu Rajab family, fifteen Jewish families moved in. Then Defense Minister Ehud Barak evicted the families amid claims from Abu Rajab family members that the documents presented by the Jewish owners were forged.

In 2017, Jews moved back in as the Civil Administration still had not reached a conclusion as per the legality of the sale to Jews. Once again, the documents were inspected and this time, it was ruled by Civil Administration officials that they appear to be genuine.

Members of the Abu Rajab family have now taken their case to Israel’s High Court of Justice in the hope of having the Jews evicted again and hoping to have the building turned back over to them, insisting the sale was not legitimate.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. If the building was purchased there is presumably a paper trail of where the money paid to complete the transaction went to. If the purchasers paid money that is prima facie a pretty good indication that there was a sale. If I had paid money for a property I bought, I would have been mighty angry that I was kept out of my property for five years!

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