Police Vehicle Vandalized In Meah Shearim As They Worked To Expedite Kevurah

A woman was niftar in her Meah Shearim home under normal conditions on Sunday night. Police were asked to expedite their arrival to permit immediate kvura.

Police accommodated the request and when they arrived, released the body for kvura. When they left, they found the rear window of their vehicle was smashed while they were in the apartment.

An investigation into the vandalism attack was launched.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Can someone please refer me to the Pasuk, Mishna, Gemora, Halacha that allows this behavior? Why should police care about these people at all? If their safety cannot be guaranteed, WHILE they are assisting members of the community, why would they continue to come? Sorry, but I’m seriously having tests in Ahavas Yisroel after seeing people’s behavior.

  2. As I said before its just a matter of time before some of these so called religious Jews suffer from acute lead or copper toxicity.

  3. I call them “Terrorist in Black” – disgusting people who believe that they are so religious that they can even do sins and be righteous.

  4. This really is a Chillul Hashem, no matter what happened. The news story does not give enough details. As Bnei Torah, we should not immediately assume the window was broken maliciously. It may have been broken accidentally and the breaker was afraid to own up to the deed. I believe that if that happened, it is less severe, though still unfortunate, for we still get a negative reputation thereby and it therefore reflects badly on the Torah.

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