HaRav Mutzafi Decries Lack Of Chareidi Opposition To Toeiva Parade

HaGaon HaRav Bentzion Mutzafi, one of the leading Sephardic halakhic authorities, says that “the media has taken control of our way of life.”

The rabbi was asked at the end of the week why the chareidi public is not protesting against the abomination parade in Jerusalem: “Why don’t the chareidim protest against the disgusting marches that are taking place in the palace of HKBH and why are the rabbonim sitting with their hands folded. It is an awful Chilul Hashem, especially after Tisha B’Av…it truly pains us”.

The rav began explaining, “Today the media has taken control of our way of life as it pleases and elevates itself. In her will, she [the media] humiliates and tramples and does not open her mouth.”

The rav went on, expressing criticism against the large chareidi tzibur, for standing idly by and permitting the parade in Yerushalayim, calling their actions a Chilul Hashem.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. I cannot understand why there is such a knee jerk reaction when it comes to this issue, something which you do not hear concerning chillul shabbos, בועלי נדה and אכילת טרפות. Granted, the severity of משכת זכור is more serious, certainly more so than the latter two, it is however incumbent upon us as a community to really examine our convictions in these matters and scrutinize our outlook and attitudes too see if these sort of reactions are coming from a place where we are really concerned about Kvod Shamyim.

  2. It is dangerous to “encourage” demonstrations against gay parades given the tragedy that occurred several years ago when an innocent bystander was murdered by a chareidi zealot. Unless these rabbonim can control their followers, its better to not send them out to demonstrate.

  3. The Rav is perfectly right. The pandering to so called western “civilization” is despicable and mind numbing. Is says “ignore the Torah” and the whole world will love you. Listen, the truth is -“ignore Torah and Hashem will teach you what that means and then He will show you what that means” So protest!!

  4. The rav is totally correct in protesting the lack of visible Chareidi opposition to this abominable parade. I think, however, that as a tzibbur, there is a serious problem in dealing openly with this evil. While difficult to give a numerical amount, it’s safe to say that large swathes of Chareidi youth don’t even know that there is such a parade going on, or what it’s all about. We all know that when our kids come up to these parshios in Chumash, the teachers generally run through it, gloss over it, and in many schools, skip it entirely. This is usually based upon instructions from “above,” either the school’s rav, or Chassidishe rebbe, etc. So, surely younger children have no inkling about any of this. So, when a younger child might ask his or her mother, “where’s Tatti going?” the mother is not going to answer, “to protest the toeiva shmutz parade downtown….” “What’s toeiva, mommy?” “Why don’t you answer me, mommy?” See what’s going to happen? So, there’s a serious disincentive to deal openly with the problem. Presumably, the solution is to consult with the gedolei Torah how to deal with this matter, how to protest it, what to do about the children becoming too “educated” about stuff that the tzibbur wants to shield them from.

  5. how come we get 100,00’s people to protest a draft, but the biggest chilul hashem in the history of the world can barley get a minyan?

  6. The problem is that the police only allowed a
    very small group with Baruch Marzel anywhere near the parade to protest.More pressure should be placed on City councilmen to ban the parade from Jerusalem.

  7. Hard to imagine that the chareidi leadership simultaneously discourages the open discussion of gay matters and why this is such a concern under daas torah and yet complains as to why there isn’t sufficient opposition to the parade? Either they provide age-appropriate information in school or at home that a significant percentage of the tzibur engages in a prohibited lifestyle that is contrary to a torah life or they simply sit on their hands in silence. Since most frum parents may be uncomfortable discussing this subject at home, perhaps its better that yeshivos and beis yaakovs train those involved in chinuch how to present the issue in an objective way w/o the usual hysterics and explain how and why it is totally assur.

  8. faithandreason – it is NOT the severity or even the very Issur transgressed that is the issue at hand, it goes way beyond that. it is something that even every moral goy understands. And again the ‘opposition’ is not what he does in the privacy of his bedroom, as that is between him and GD.
    It is obvious from your comment that you have no understanding what the very issue at hand is.

  9. GAON, i don’t get what you are saying. Why doesn’t it have to do with the severity of the issur? Of you can cite goyim who are against these people/ lifestyle, that would hardly be a gauge for us to go be.. Wouldn’t it?

  10. Before we send the Chareidi Tzibbur out to demonstrate, we must be aware that in general, our community unfortunately does not know how to demonstrate without creating its own Chillul Hashem. Often the hotheads that have nothing better to do take over and the effect is totally lost.
    It needs to be organized by the Rabbonim and not be spontaneous. If Rav Mutzafi is decrying the lack of a protest, he ought to look in the mirror and lay the blame at his own two feet. He should have contacted the Rabbonim and the Askonim and organized the protest. And if he did not know about the parade until his questioner brought up the issue, it is very unfortunate, because as a Manhig HaTzibbur and Manhig in Eretz Yisroel he needs to be aware of the problems occurring and thus be in a position to take action.

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