Four Dead And Dozens Wounded In Food Factory Explosion – Mashgiach Kashrus Spared!

A powerful explosion rocked Hangzhou, China, about two hours from the capital Shanghai. According to local media reports, the explosion occurred in a popular noodle restaurant in the city, due to a gas leak. Four people were reported killed and dozens wounded. The victims were local residents and passersby.

On the margins of the dramatic event, an untold story is recorded. On the same day, a kashrut inspection was conducted at a food factory located close to the restaurant, by one of the supervisors of the SKS-Mehadrin kashrus supervision, headed by the Admor of Shatz Ashdod.

After the long hours of inspection, the factory owners suggested to the overseer that he come and dine with them in a nearby restaurant, as it is customary in Chinese culture to invite a guest to a meal.

Despite the unpleasantness of the refusal, the overseer gently rejected the factory owner’s offer, claiming that he could not eat the food served in the restaurant for “conscientious reasons.” (A refusal for “religious purposes” is less acceptable in China).

The factory owners finally agreed and gave the overseer a table set with a basket of fruit and water and they went to dine in the famous restaurant without him. A short time later the explosion took place. The factory owners were injured. The overseer was saved thanks to the observance of kashrus.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Well, this certainly makes one stop and think about eating at a restaurant without chassideshe (or equivalent) hashgacha….sort of gets your attention

  2. Sorry,the way the article was worded and titled is very wrong.Unless dealing with evil people one first writes the article in a concerned fashion and then the salvation of a person who is steadfast to Torah principles.When I saw the title which said how amazing it was that four were dead I immediately thought they were terrorists.Obviously that wasn’t the case.
    First an article must show an objective sympathy for the(as far as we know) innocent dead,wounded and their families.Only after that can it mention the yeshua for someone who does the right thing.

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