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Thursday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

07:00: IDF soldiers taking part in counterterrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron during the night apprehended 17 suspects.

08:58: The IDF targets terrorists from the air and with tank fire. The strike was in the area of the former Nachal Ohz. Gaza sources report at least 3 seriously injured.

** 100 PA illegals were taken into custody in a border police operation checking construction sites in Ra’anana and Kfar Saba.

11:21: Ten children sustained light injuries earlier in the morning in an accident between a bus and a truck. The truck driver was pinned in. The accident occurred on Highway 79 near Shfaram.

13:50: Handicapped IDF veterans blocked the Ayalon Highway to protest cuts in their veteran benefits.

14:05: Former Jerusalem Fire Chief Moshe Suissa was acquitted of charges of bribery and wrongdoing by a Jerusalem court. The court had harsh words for the prosecution’s handling of the case. Sussia was compelled to step down from his command as a result of the indictment against him.

14:06: Three people have been diagnosed with west nile virus, including a resident of the PA (Palestinian Authority). There are four others being monitored as possibly infected. Health officials advise residents to take action to avoid/minimize mosquito bites and to eliminate any standing pools of water that increase risk of passing and contracting the illness.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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