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More Troubles For Shas As A Son Of Rav Sholom Cohen Opposes Deri

It appears that troubles for the Shas party are not disappearing amid reports of growing internal strife. In the latest episode, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen, a son of HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita is quoted speaking out against party leader Aryeh Deri.

According to a report filed by Moti Tuchfeld of Yisrael Hayom, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen spoke with a Shas activist regarding Eli Yishai, stating Yishai would always consult with Rav Ovadia while Aryeh never did. He explained that as a result, he and Deri have not been talking for some time, and soon, they will sit and he will put all the cards on the table.

Rav Cohen explained that according to the Yisrael Hayom report, Yishai always consulted with Rav Ovadia while Deri acted on his own. Tuchfeld quotes a party activist telling Rav Yaakov Cohen that the feeling among many is that Deri is spinning circles around Rav Cohen, head of the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael of Shas and Rav Yaakov Cohen agreed with the assessment.

Rabbi Yaakov Cohen is quoted saying, “I’m in the middle of talking about these things to see how they are solved. I have quarreled about this story with Aryeh. Between us, I have not spoken to him for two weeks. But I have not yet reached the action of sitting with him and putting everything on the table. I have not reached it yet.”

In response to the report, Rabbi Yaakov Cohen insists he and Deri are good friends and that he is a very straight person and if I have criticism, I say it and I am not afraid. An attempt to show things differently was intended to sow confusion. There are ups and downs in our relations, but I speak with him and say everything I have to say. Regarding Yishai, Deri is the leader of Shas and all the other things are absurd”.

Officials in the office of HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen prefer not to comment on allegations, adding they have nothing but praise for the actions of Aryeh Deri.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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