HaRav Mazuz: I Will Not Serve On Moetzas Chachmei Hatorah

HaGaon HaRav Meir Mazuz Shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim has come out in unprecedented fashion against the Shas Moetzas Chachmei Hatorah, explaining “I never asked to become a member of the Shas Moetzas Gedolei Hatorah and if asked, I would not agree [to join the council]”. The rav made his comments during his weekly motzei Shabbos shiur. He made his comments after addressing the Kosel and recent Reform efforts to obtaining a foothold in the site. “I wish to speak freely and if I was a member of the council, I would not be able to” Rav Mazuz added.

The rav also added in his shiur, which is broadcast over Kol Berama Radio, “People believe I use this forum to speak against Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef. Chas V’sholom. I did not request this – quite the contrary. Kol Berama pleased with him but nothing changed. There was pressure applied from here and there. They then approached me and suggested I would speak one week and the following weeks Rav Amar. When Rav Amar was abroad and could not, I gave the shiur. When he decides to return to Kol Berama, I will say ‘Baruch Shepetarani..’ to the shiur”.

Rav Mazuz is referring to the Shas boycott of the radio station and Rav Yosef prohibiting the station from airing his weekly broadcast. Rav Amar, who is slowly coming back into the good graces of Shas, is not about to jeopardize this by returning to Kol Berama. Shas has placed a total ban on Kol Berama, which has ties to Eli Yishai. Hence the boycott of Kol Berama regarding the shiurim and other content by persons wishing to maintain a relationship with Shas.

“Sadly there is sinas chinam today, chassidim, litvish, Sephardim and Ashkenazim, one against the other until the chacham arises and says, מה העדות, what is this. I don’t know what to do without your groups. Decide. There was once a kenos and a woman asked how to be a baalas teshuva, like and Ashkenazi or Sephardi, litvish of chassidish?”

The rav continued addressing the criticism and stresses he has no interest in giving a weekly shiur, adding now it is problematic since for those keeping Rabbeinu Tam, Shabbos ends close to 9PM that that pushes it off until 10PM.

Rav Mazuz stresses for him the time is not important, nor being exclusive regarding a weekly shiur, adding “It’s all sinas chinam” and he feels he must distance himself from it all.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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