PA Halts All Cooperation With Israel Over Har Habayis

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) has suspended all cooperation as he and the international community continue efforts to bring al-Aqsa and Har Habayis to the world forum.

Since the placement of metal detectors on Har Habayis, Jordan, the PA and Muslims around the world have come out demanding their removal, fearing Israel has shown its sovereignty over the holy site and this they cannot accept. The placement of the metal detectors followed Israel’s unprecedented closure of the Temple Mount on an erev Shabbos through Sunday morning, barring Muslims from the holy site along with Jews and other visitors for a first time.

Speaking on PA Television, Abu Mazen spoke of the threat presented to al-Aqsa by Israel, demanding the removal of the metal detectors. He and others accuse Israel of violating the status quo on Har Habayis, opting to ignore the fatal Islamic terror attack on the site that left two Israeli policemen dead and a third wounded.

The attack led to Israeli security forces checking the site, uncovering guns and other weapons and ammunition, which led to the metal detectors.

Israel’s cabinet last week decided the metal detectors would not be removed. It remains to be seen if Israel will remain firm amid mounting pressure.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. So we’re gonna be stubborn and secure a place we shouldn’t be and jepordize our homes that we should shiver in fear!!!! Shame on them!!!

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