VIDEOS: Israel Dog Unit Urges ‘Settlers’ To Arm Themselves With Protection Dogs In The Wake Of The Shabbos Massacre In N’vei Tzuf


The Israel Dog Unit, (IDU) is urging Jews throughout Yehuda and Shomron as well as the local emergency response teams to join the canine defense program so as to prevent terrorist infiltrations into Jewish towns in Yehuda and Shomron.

The IDU provides protection dogs and courses to Jews who seek to protect their families and towns with the use of specially trained defense dogs. (The IDU also operates a separate division that looks for missing people with specially trained SAR dogs.)

Mike ben Yaakov, commander of the Israel Dog Unit, said with great pain, “There is no reason in the world that residents of vulnerable Jewish towns do not patrol the borders of their towns with good patrol dogs that could detect suspicious movement before the terrorist sneaks through the security fence. And there is no reason not to employ the use of dogs to track down a terrorist, once there is a known point of entry, after the censor indicates that the fence had been touched. It is also clear that a protection dog inside of the house could have helped neutralize the terrorist before he carried out his carnage.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. A dog can alert people to an intruder but is not sufficient for self-defense. All residents of Yehuda and the Shomron should have guns. Too many attacks have succeeded that could have been stopped if the victims had been armed.

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