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Arabs Pelt Bus Occupied By Yeshiva Students With Rocks

A tour in Northern Eretz Yisroel turned scary earlier Tuesday, as Arab youths pelted a tour bus with rocks.

The tour bus full of Yeshiva Bochrim from a Bnei Brak Yeshiva, visited many Kevarim in Meron, Tzefas and other locations when the trouble suddenly started.

What started out as an ordinary tour stop in the Druze town of Peki’in – at the cave where Rav Shimon Bar Yochai reportedly hid from the Romans – ended up with the Bochrim running for their lives.

Apparently, a group of Arabs approached the Yeshiva Bochrim, and began physically shoving them. The Bochrim ran back to safety of their bus, and closed the doors. Before the driver even started the motor, rocks began hitting the bus from all sides.

Boruch Hashem, the bus managed to get out without anyone getting hurt and no serious damage could occur to the bus.

Police have launched an investigation into the incident.

This is the same Druze town which staged a riot against Israeli Police, MDA Medics, and IDF officers in late October – which injured more than 40 people – (originally reported HERE)

20 Responses

  1. Each bus should have at least one undercover soldier or police officer and should be well armed. Every tour bus,I hope, is or,if not,should be equipped with radios that contact the police directly.

  2. This is what happens when you try to appease the terrorists and those who support them. PEACE? Only from strength! Be mean and forceful !

  3. who forced jews to live in eretz isroel.they should have waited till moshiach comes.instead they followed a group of secular jews to be their leaders and make decisions for them.a jewish state governed by mechalel shabbes and treif eaters can have no hazlacha.look what happend to all of the religous parties that decided to join the governments of the last years they are left without a penny. no more money for jeshivas etc… we should daven every day for the state of israel to be dismantled by Hashem and him alone, without a scratch or drop of jewish blood to be spilled. then moshiach can come and jeshiva boys from bnei brak will have their tours without stones being thrown at them.

  4. at one time ,not to long ago, the druze arabs were considered friendly to am has changed lately and the druze are very much like the ordinary hateful arabs .they fear that israel is caving in to the arabs and their fate may not fare well with israeli friendship.tough times!

  5. Arabs Pelt Bus Occupied By Yeshiva Students With Rocks

    The Yeshiva students had rocks, or the arabs had rocks?

    Should the headline read Arabs (with rocks) Pelt Bus Occupied By Yeshiva Students?

    Just wondering.

  6. Teichman, if you have some insane views about Israel, keep them to yourself. No one on this forum is the slightest bit interested in reading your warped ideas.

  7. “common sense” you will not decide for the entire forum what is interesting or not. i have no objection to israel my objection is to the state. and before you call my ideas warped you should learn some torah.

  8. #7 & 11
    “who forced jews to live in eretz isroel”

    So please tell me, who forced the Brisker Rov and the Baal Shomer Emunim chasidim (reb ahralach) to live in Eretz yisroel?

    Please don’t allow the Tzionim to take away the status of Eretz Yisroel being OUR home. (Taking up arms is a different issue).

  9. In the last few years, it has been unheard of for tour buses, even those going to kevarim to travel unescorted and without proper security. A lesson to be learnt for the next visit.
    This is the post-Annapolis hullabalu,,, the smug nations of the world are delited to slice away the land of Israel from the Jews, as predicted by H”YD R. Meir Kahane, BTW forecasted by the neviim also.

  10. living in Eretz Yisroel is much better than living in a goyishe country where your kids can be exposed to so much treifus on a daily basis. Most frum ppl who live here are here for the kedusha of living here.

    The level of gashmius in chutz laaretz is horrifying and putting so many ppl into ruchnius and gashmius trouble.

  11. #15 – The secular culture in Eretz Yisrael is far worse than in America for 3 reasons.

    1. Israel attempts to imitate European culture in a pathetic attempt to live up to its Zionist ideal of being a nation among other nations. Europeans are generally more permissive and immoral than Americans. America doesn’t need to “prove” its culture to anyone.

    2. In America, every school child knows that there is an “us”: Torah Jews, and a “them”: Non-Jews with different values. In Israel, however, you’re all Jews, so it’s harder to make that distinction.

    3. America welcomes all cultures to thrive as productive citizens. Hindus can have their incense offerings in their houses, Buddhists can do their thing and so can anyone else. Israel, however, wants its citizens to become “Israeli”, which means, among other things, losing their Jewish identity.

    On a related point, Teichman is largely correct, and his point has nothing to do with any “group” – the Zionists have been a total disaster and have cost our nation hundreds of thousands Jews (and their descendants), in a physical and spiritual sense, over the past century. I don’t think that anything can justify the Zionists’ destruction of countless olamos.

  12. Teichman, of course you are entitled to your opinion, but realize you are in the minority. Israel is now home to more than half of the world’s Jews. Like it or not, Hashem opened up the Land to us through klippos (see Eim HaBanim S’meicha by R’Teichtel, HY”D) and when He gives us a gift regardless of how, we accept it.

    To HaKatan, Although we all know you have a point, secular culture here (yes, I do live in Israel) only infiltrates as much as you let it, in fact, I find it much easier here to avoid secular influence than in America.
    In response to your point #1, I agree with that. However, that is why frum Jews should live here- make us the majority and set the example. Kiruv is wildly successful here because the secular Jews know so much!
    To point #2, I’m so happy that there’s no us and them here, that is why I love it here. I love knowing we are all Jews. My kids know that there are secular Jews, and they know they are different from them. I explain to them that they just don’t know about Shabbos yet. I don’t think our frumkeit stands on how we compare to others. An added point, at least if G-d forbid a child leaves the path, they have a much greater chance of still marrying a Jew here. In America, leaving the path may mean completely.
    To 3, I must say, although this pertained to when the state began, I can’t say I ever ever feel that way here. It may be true in theory but from personal experience (here 10 years) I feel Jewishness is felt throughout the year here. (I bet your kids know what Xmas is…mine don’t) Of course it’s not on a high level but for example my husband’s mostly secular firm has vacations revolving only around the Jewish year as do all offices. Including Chol Hamoed.

  13. Hakatan, of course your info is gathered from many years of living in the holyland, with your children and grands. FUNNY, those with experience as residents in E”Y are in absolute disagreement with you. Did you ever wonder why?

  14. To: Anonymommy!!!
    you are reffering me to eim habanim smeicha by rav teichtel. Well im reffering you to sefer VA YOEL MOSHE by ADMOR OF SATMAR ZECHUSO YAGEN ALEINU!!!!!!!!!!

  15. anonymommy- lucky lady.
    “Of course it’s not on a high level but for example my husband’s mostly secular firm has vacations revolving only around the Jewish year as do all offices. Including Chol Hamoed” Wish my firm did, that’s pretty cool to have holidays that are on our Jewish calendar. You have a merit to bring up children in gds land, part of the up-coming destiny.

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