Vaad HaYeshivos Instructs Avreichim Regarding IDF Draft Notices

The Vaad Yeshivos has released a letter addressed to students receiving their ‘tzav rishon’, their first IDF induction notice, generally received by the age of 16 or 17.

The letter explains that the status of thousands of students hangs in the balance as the Plesner Committee formulates a plan which will likely call for inducting most talmidim.

The committee is expected to complete its work by the end of July 2012 in line with the High Court’s ruling, and the Vaad Yeshivos is working to address the status of the 18-year-olds.

As such, roshei yeshivos and yeshiva administrators have been contacted and this summer, they should only summon the 18-year-olds who received the ‘tzav rishon’.

In accordance with the instructions received by the vaad from induction officials, only students addressing their first call-up orders will present themselves and request to defer military service.

This process will begin in two weeks time and therefore, cooperation with the vaad is vital. Administrators are instructed to bring the lists of these talmidim immediately, pertaining to any talmidim born between January 1, 1994 and June 30, 1994.

“We will make every effort to obtain deferments in an expeditious fashion” the vaad promises, ahead of the summer induction.

The Knesset and other official agencies continue to release numbers, potential enlistments if chareidim are compelled to service. The Ministry of Education reports a chareidi draft would impact 6,400 talmidim annually. The Defense Ministry reports the number at 8,537 while the Prime Minister’s Office reports the number at 6,180.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. “RamatShilo” Unbeleivable Chutzpuh. The fact that you are brainwashed and think that sending your son to the Zionist Army is the biggest Mitzvah in the world does not override the Da’as Torah of the from the previous generation who said that we are not aloud to wage wars and conquer lands untel Moshiach comes.
    Their Tza”hal leaders are not concerned about Jewish life as much as the advance of their honor as politicians.

    Can’t you learn your lesson from the way they treat their Religious Zionist soldiers forcing them to violate halochos of Kol Isha and walking in to a church on their “Yom Yerushalayim”.

    Just sit their on the top of your settelement mountain with the red roofs and don’t be surprised when the day comes that your army you look up to so much will throw you out of your house.

  2. My hesder yeshiva boys came out of the army more observant than they went in, with a core group of friends with sterling Torah values. One is now a haredi rabbi! We have halachot about how to wage a battle and how an army should conduct itself, from where does this ridiculous idea come that we Jews are pacifists? Joshua ben Nun, David Hamelech to mention but a few of our great Torah leaders, these are our Torah examples from Tanach and shame on those who dare to downplay their example. We have examples throughout our history of Jews in battle, who can forget the need to punish the followers of Haman in Purim.

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