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Beersheva Seeking to Crack Down on Alcohol Abuse

With an alarming increase in the number of alcohol related violence and deaths, Beersheva has become the first city in Israel to pass a law addressing the situation.

Mayor Rubik Danielovich explained that while he has not managed to get the anti-drinking bill moving in Knesset, his city has become the first to place a ban on public consumption of alcohol between the hours of 21:00-06:00. In addition, minors who are unaccompanied by a parent or guardian are prohibited from public alcohol consumption 24/7. The mayor feels this is a positive step towards protecting the nation’s young and preventing many unfortunate incidents. Violators of the new municipal ordinance face a fine and/or a court appearance.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. Just an experiment; say this crack down was done by chareidy rabbis. Now post your comments & say if the comment is on the rabbis crack down in Jerusalem or commenting on the Beersheva municipality’s crack down.

  2. I find this interesting considering that the city’s name has the word “beer” in it. The city of 7 beers. No wonder they got a drinking problem.

  3. MDG, a be’er produces mayim chayim. Drink as much as you like of it; it takes a huge amount of water to make you sick, more than most people will ever want to drink.

  4. Funny how they say they’re the first…
    As far as I know police (at least in Jerusalem) have been mandated for close to two years now to impound & destroy (generally by pouring it into a garbage can) any alcohol being carried or consumed in public after 21:00 and all sale of alcohol after that hour is strictly forbidden.

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