Social Workers Organization Opposes Effort To Permit Adoption By Toeiva Couples

The following statement was released to the media by the organization representing Israel’s social workers after Minister of Welfare Chaim Katz petitioned the High Court of Justice, asking to amend the law to permit toeiva couples adopt, which is currently not permitted.

“The Welfare Ministry should immediately shelve the position it submitted to the High Court of Justice regarding the adoption of children by the LGBT community and not to re-examine it,” says Safra Dweck, chairman of the social workers’ union.

“The state’s answer must be based solely on the opinion of the professionals – the social workers and, consequently, the psychiatrists and the psychologists, who unequivocally determine that the child’s best interest is to grow up in a family unit that will give him the love, respect and necessary needs, whether in a single-sex family or in a heterosexual family.”

According to Dweck, the basic values ​​of social work are human dignity and respect for the right to parenthood, regardless of religion, race or gender or sexual orientation. “In the 21st century, the State’s response to the High Court of Justice is the failed position, which is contrary to professional ethics, and is based on dark, homophobic and contrary opinions of human dignity,” Dweck said.

The Social Workers’ Union announced that the social workers would attend the LGBT demonstration on Thursday in front of the government compound in Tel Aviv to voice their protest against any non-professional decision that contradicts the values ​​of the social work profession.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. I heard from R’ Dovid Chaim Leib Saltzfriedlich that toieva marriage is worse for klal yisroel than haman, koirach and nimrod combined.

  2. The headline is fahkert of the article. the social workers’ organization wants toieivah adoption. they don’t want government involved.

  3. Eretz Yisroel is supposed to be the country of residence of HaShem and He wants it to be a holy land. Toeva people are out to make it putrid….

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