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Sunday Morning News Briefs from Eretz Yisrael

IDF soldiers taking part in counterterrorism operations throughout Yehuda and Shomron apprehended two suspects during the night.

** Over 130 citizens were murdered by government forces in Syria on shabbos.

** Egypt’s army officially turned over control of the government to its new leader.

** A state witness begins giving testimony in the Holyland real estate trial against former PM Ehud Olmert.

** The body of Yitzchak Shamir, who was niftar on shabbos, will lay in state in the Knesset promenade on Monday, 12 Tammuz 5772. Kvura will be in Mt .Herzl in the area set aside for the nation’s leaders.

** Signs of natural gas at Shimshon 1 exploratory drilling station.

** State witness in Holyland case says 9 million NIS in bribe funds given to former PM Olmert, former Jerusalem Mayor Lupoliansky and others. The identity of the state witness may not be revealed.

** 4 Arabs tried to steal the weapon of a security guard in Jabir Mukhaber during the night. The guard fired his weapon in the air and the attackers fled.

** An IDF military court sentenced former Hamas commander Ibrahim Hamed to 54 life terms for his part in the murder of 46 Israelis and the injuring of 400.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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