Third Member Of Family From Galil MVA Is Niftar R’L

On Monday, the fatal accident in the Galil on Route 70 was reported, an accident that claimed the life of a 6-year-old boy and left other family members in serious condition. The Mukhtar family is from Kfar Adumim.

A day later it has been learned that the death toll R”L in the family has climbed to three as the 12-year-old girl also died of her massive injuries early Tuesday morning. The 48-year-old father as niftar on Monday after the son.

Killed in the accident were Mr. Alon Mukhtar z”l, 48, Yoel Shlomo z”l, 6, and the sister, 12. The mom, Sara, 47, remains in very serious condition. Injured less seriously were Yonatan, 16, and Aviva, 14. An 11-year-old daughter was in another vehicle and is uninjured physically.

The three levayas were set to take place in Kfar Adumim on Tuesday, 24 Tammuz.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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