Shin Bet Will Prevent The Release Of Ami Popper

Ami Popper, who is serving a life sentence for murdering seven Arabs in Rishon L’Tzion in May 1990, is seeking release. A number of weeks ago, he submitted a request to remove a third from his sentence for good behavior since being imprisoned.

The Shin Bet however is opposed to his release, apparently to send a message to other ‘Jewish terrorists’ to not use him as an example. Another reason is that if he is granted release, Arabs who are serving life sentences will begin seeking release too.

The next time Popper will be eligible to come before a parole board will be in a year.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. If only the Israeli government treated Jewish prisoners as well as it treats Arabs, who are regularly released early.

  2. @ Frum-n-Fair They were innocent Arab workers – Copied from Wikipedia: ( i edited some grammar mistakes)

    On May 20, 1990, Popper stole IDF uniform trousers, a Galil assault rifle, and five box magazines full of ammunition from his brother, an active duty soldier.[3][4] At around 6:15 a.m., Popper spotted a group of Palestinian Arab workers from the Gaza Strip at a bus stop in Rishon Lezion, who were waiting to be picked up from their laboring jobs in Israel. Suspecting they were Arab, he demanded to see their identity cards, and after confirming they were Arabs he ordered them to line up in three rows, on their knees. Popper then opened fire with the Galil rifle, killing 7 Palestinians immediately and a further 10/11 were wounded badly, before leaving the scene in his car. Palestinian reports state that, on arriving at the scene, Israeli police proceeded to beat up the surviving victims.[2][5][6] Within an hour, he was arrested.

    Palestinians throughout the territories protested, resulting in clashes between protesters and Israeli security forces. While suppressing the protests, a further seven people died, including a 14-year-old boy.[2] After a week of clashes, 19 Palestinians were killed, while around 700 more suffered injuries.[2] Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir dismissed the murders as an act of no political significance since Popper was “deranged”, however, the court found Popper sane and fit to stand trial.[7] Popper first told police that his attacks were a reaction to the First Intifada, later claiming to have been distraught because his girlfriend had decided to leave him. He also stated that he had been raped by an Arab when he was 13-years-old and had committed these killings out of shame and a desire for revenge.[8] Two days later Rabbi Meir Kahane held a celebration of his deed in Rishon LeZion.[9]

  3. Popper committed a despicable act for which he has rightly served a long term of imprisonment. The same way as Olmert was released after serving part of his sentence, so should Popper be. Clearly the Shin Bet’s desire to use him as an example is wholly improper.

  4. A person who commits mass murder has demonstrated a tendency to direspect the value of human life.This tendency continued to manifest itself on January 17,2007, when his reckless driving on route 90 resulted in the deaths of his wife,daughter and an unborn fetus.

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