Gabbai Promises Machane Tzioni Will Be The Largest Party

השר להגנת הסביבה, אבי גבאי

In a bold statement, newly-elected head of the Machane Tzioni party Avi Gabbai is promising he will bring 30 seats in the next election, making the former Labor party the largest party in Knesset.

Gabbai is confident that he will persuade many Likud voters to transfer their loyalty to his party for the November 2019 elections. He told Yisrael Hayom he is going to begin traveling the nation and speaking, placing on emphasis on what he plans to do rather than follow the norm, bashing Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. He explains he feels the latter is not what people are interested in hearing but they are more interested in hearing what the party under his leadership has to offer.

He emphasizes he is a social democrat and not a capability and will work to lower the cost of living, which is the single most import issue to voters. He adds that he does not plan on moving to the right-wing, but attracting the many Likud voters who agree with his hashkafa – and he is confident there are many.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. And he’s also going to bring peace to the entire region, and he’s going to do battle with all the corruption in the Israeli government, and he’s going to bring about affordable housing that every single Israeli will be able to afford not one but two, yes two apartments, and not only are likud voters going to vote for him this time due to his irresistible personality and charisma, but even shas and “gimmel” voter and even the peleg voters are going to vote for him because he’s just so incredile ……… Mr. Gabbai, just one question for you, what color is the sun in your world?

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