WATCH – IF YOU HAVE ANY DOUBTS: Kosel Reformed Prayer Area Remained Empty On 17 Tammuz


As the Reform and Conservative Movements continue their battle to remove the Orthodox rule over the Kosel, it is clear their agenda is nothing more, and has nothing to do with a clear desire to ‘pray’ at the holy site.

On Tuesday, 17 Tammuz, when the Kosel was unusually busy despite the unseasonably hot weather, one only had to look over at the egalitarian prayer area that was established during the previous administration. It was empty. Not a single person praying. Not a single person present on the day that marks the beginning of the Three Weeks and the Churban Bayis. Persons checking during the day found this to be the case all day, and not just during the course of one inspection.

The Women of the Wall and all of the supporters of destroying traditional Yiddishkheit were not present at the egalitarian prayer area, sending a strong message regarding their true intentions.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I believe some McDonalds establishments have a hechsher (not mehadrin), others don’t. One needs to check first.
    As to visiting the Kosel on 17th Tammuz, why would reformists follow an Orthodox directive about fasting or marking the start of the Orthodox “Three Weeks” mourning of the Churban? The reformist “Shulcaan Aruch” doesn’t mention 17th of Tammuz or Tisha B’av.

  2. The Women off the Wall are only doing what they do to cause hatred against the orthodox. They have no belief in God or in His Torah.

    What do they need to pray for?

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