PHOTOS: Preparing For The Yahrzeit Of The Tzaddik Of Shtapensht


This motzei Shabbos 21 Tammuz, is the yahrzeit of the Tzaddik of Shtapensht (שטפנשט). Tens of thousands of people arrive to be mispallel at the tziyun in Givatayim, on motzei Shabbos and Sunday, 22 Tammuz. There will be buses traveling from all over the country.

Logistical preparedness is being finalized as the chassidus prepares for the event. Due to the unseasonably hot weather, a large air conditioned hachnasas orchim tent is being set up.

Buses will be leaving from Jerusalem, Betar, Bnei Brak, Haifa, Elad, Beit Shemesh, Kiryat Sefer and other venues. For information regarding transportation, one may call 03-579-0303.

On Sunday, rabbonim and mekubalim will have a Yeshiva at the Kever and there will be Kabolas Ohl Malchus Shomayim. There will also be Tikun Chatzos on Sunday, 22 Tammuz at 12:24AM at the Nachlas Yitzchak Cemetery, 1 Avnei Zichron Street in Givatayim. The guest of honor will be Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau Shlita.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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