PHOTOS: Zaka Divers Called For A Missing Swimmer In Netanya Beach


Zaka divers were called into action on Monday night the eve of 17 Tammuz, to a Netanya beach after swimmers went missing and were believed to have drowned.

Commander Chaim Utmazkin explained “We received a report about two people who drowned at the Sironit beach in Netanya. one was located and evacuated in a moderate condition to the hospital. The second was not located and there was concern for his life.

“We activated Zaka’s units. It was decided to carry out an inspection at the home of the missing person, and the firefighters broke into the house and the missing persons was sleeping in his home, safe and sound. Thanks to 11 divers who carried out thorough searches throughout the night and the Zaka logistics team that assisted in the search mission”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: Zaka)

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