A First In Israel – A Woman Appointed At Deputy Director-General Of The Nation’s Batei Din

Michal Goldstein, a Ministry of the Interior department head, will in the coming weeks, assume the post as Israel’s first female Deputy Director-General of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel’s Batei Din, Haaretz reports. The move comes a year after the High Court ruled in the matter.

Goldstein was appointed after a search process and is set to begin in her new post in the coming weeks, after taking leave of her post as unit head in the Interior Ministry. She will deal, inter alia, with monitoring the implementation of divorce rulings.

Last year, attorney Batya Kahana-Dror of the Mavoi Satum organization along with Na’amat and WIZO, petitioned the High Court of Justice to compel permitting a woman to vie for the post of director-general and even give preference to a woman. The outcome of the petition was a court decision that a woman would be appointed to the deputy slot.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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