Pathetic: Candidates In Machane Tzioni Race Accuse Education Minister Of Trying To Bring Students Closer To Their Judaism To Win Over Voters

How do you earn additional votes if you are running to head the Machane Tzioni party, the former Labor party? You simply accuse the Education Minister of trying to make students in Israel schools too Jewish R”L.

Well, this is exactly what is taking place between the candidates who will face off in the second round of the party primaries; Amir Peretz and Avi Gabbai. Both have come out against Education Minister (Bayit Yehudi) Naftali Bennet, who during a Haaretz chat with readers online stated the students in public schools are being “brainwashed” as public funds are being used to bring students closer to Yiddishkheit. They explain that this leads to a growing gap between the different segments of society.

Peretz was firm in his promise that if elected Prime Minister, he will bring an end to “anti-democratic” laws and remove “political content” from the nation’s schools. Trying to out-secular his opponent, Gabbai vows that if given the opportunity by being elected, he will make certain buses role on Shabbos. They were both quick to express their love for Judaism, emphasizing the buses will only run in areas that want them and not in frum areas.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Is Avi Gabbai wearing a toupee or does he color his hair – it looks soooo natural if I did not look I would never known…..

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