PM Netanyahu Clarifies Israel’s Position On Syria

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Sunday 15 Tammuz, at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, released a message to the media pertaining to the ongoing Civil War in Syria and Israel’s position. Mr. Netanyahu made his remarks in light of the recent worrisome sharp increase in rocket spillover from Syria into the northern Golan Heights.

YWN-ISRAEL reported earlier this month that over 18 mortar rockets came over the border to Syria in a one-week period.

Mr. Netanyahu said, “About Syria: Israel will welcome a genuine ceasefire in Syria but this ceasefire must not enable the establishment of a military presence by Iran and its proxies in Syria in general and in southern Syria in particular. I had deep discussions about this last week with US Secretary of State Tillerson and with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Both told me that they understand Israel’s position and will take our demands into account.

“For our part, we will continue to monitor developments beyond our borders while strongly upholding our red lines: Prevent the strengthening of Hizbullah via Syria, with an emphasis on the acquisition of precision weapons, prevent Hizbullah– or Iranian forces – from establishing a ground presence along our border, and prevent the establishment of an Iranian military presence in Syria as a whole.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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