Rav Mordechai Blau Speaks Out Harshly Against Minister Litzman

The day-to-day machlokes that exists between the Degel Hatorah and Agudas Yisrael factions of Yahadut Hatorah are rising, with an interview with Chadrei Chadarim by Health Minister Litzman being a source of some of the growing machlokes. During the interview on Thursday, 12 Tammuz, Litzman explains the Degel Hatorah faction has minimal political strength.

Responding, Degel Hatorah personality HaRav Mordechai Blau did not hide his anger over Litzman’s comments, telling an internal Degel quorum that in light of Litzman’s interview, the members of the Degel faction must boycott the upcoming Hamodia Economic & Business Conference, which is set to begin on Sunday, 15 Tammuz. The conference is the largest chareidi business conference held in Israel, an annual event sponsored by the Litzman-affiliated Hamodia newspaper.

Degel’s boycotting the conference would have major ramifications since MK Moshe Gafne, of the Degel faction, is the chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee.

Rav Blau said, “If Litzman’s blunt attack and the contempt for Degel are correct,” wrote Rabbi Blau, “in my opinion, it is our duty to boycott the informational conference completely, we are not cannon fodder.

In addition, Rabbi Blau used sharper words in his email sent a Degel email list, writing, “The arrogant Mr. Litzman is again blatantly slandering Degel Hatorah, and we are not going to the Hamodia conference. ‘Degel Hatorah’ is not the cannon fodder of Litzman as a dog that has returned to its vomit. A drop of respect, an eighth of which would not hurt the members of Degel Hatorah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is not what we need right now.
    Unity is the most important thing right now.
    Clarification of comments should be done,
    before assuming the actual meaning of anything said.

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