WATCH: Jewish Male Arrested For Trying To Prostrate Himself On Har Habayis

In the accompanying video, we see a group of Jews visiting Har Habayis on Thursday, 12 Tammuz. Everything was going according to plan until one young male decided to attempt to prostrate himself on the holy site, which is prohibited for non-Muslims in accordance to Waqf regulations, which are enforced by Israel police.

Police move instantaneously to restrain the male and remove him from the area.

Gedolei Yisrael over the generations and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel prohibit visiting Har Habayis, which they explain carries the punishment of karess.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Just turn these zealots over to the Palestinian police force….they clearly want to provoke violence so give them what they want without risking the Israeli security forces.

  2. You people are sick! The Israeli Gov arrests a JEW for trying to pray or bow down on the Holiest site for Jews and you support the apartheid discrimination against a fellow JEW???? If you don’t want to go on the Temple mount don’t go, but one who follows the RAMBAM and many other Gedolim who understand it’s a mitzvah Deoreita to go, Moreah Mikash as well as Kibush, should be commended and supported like the Nachson Ben Aminadav’s Kalev and Yehoshu of your time. Those who don’t think so are students of the MERAGLIM!

  3. The problem begins with the ignorance of yeshivaworldnews. Whenever they mention news about Har Habayit they always include this factually incorrect disclaimer :” Gedolei Yisrael over the generations and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel prohibit visiting Har Habayis, which they explain carries the punishment of karess.” They claim going up to Har Habayit carries the punishment of Karet. Now let’s see the Rambam in Hilchot Biat Hamikdash 3:4 (I am quite certain Gadolhatorah above and the other people who commented have no clue where that is and have never read it) ” טמא מת אפילו המת עצמו מותר להכנס להר הבית שנאמר ויקח משה את עצמות יוסף עמו עמו במחנה הלויה
    Going up to Har Habayit is not Karet according to the Rambam . How could we ever build a Mikdash if it was always assur. Please stop exposing your ignorance about Har Habyit. As one who goes up to Har Habayit and have researched the issue thoroughly, you who assur or discriminate against those that do, have no understanding or knowledge of the halachot.

  4. Another fact left out by ywn is that its the israeli police who are acting illegally by limiting freedom of religion as has been affirmed by the left leaning Supreme Court! That boy has not committed a crime and in fact will not be jailed. The only consequence is a restraining order for a month (usually) from har habayit.

  5. As anyone who has studied the middle east or Arab culture can confirm, it is those who fear provoking the Arabs who are in fact endangering us by showing fear and weakness and sending the message that terror pays. When we assert our full right to every inch of our land especially the place of the future bet hamikdash that is when they will instinctively respect our authority like a dog or horse that obeys its master when he asserts himself. Besides the halachic issues of kibush which by definition override pikuach nefesh since war will always have casualties. Anyway we are losing more lives to terror this way than a one off war could possibly cause. Giving in to them has never helped (to say the least) and may reflect an inner weakness to giving in to our yetzer hara. This is one possible explanation to Torah protecting.

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