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PHOTOS: 67 Percent Of Chareidi Families Own An Apartment


A poll published for the Hamodia-sponsored Economics & Business Conference, which will be held next Sunday, reveals that 49% of chareidim with families between the ages of 18 and 25 own an apartment. The survey that was conducted by the chareidi research institute Seker Halacha found that most of the owners of the families who owned the apartments were Litvish (76%), followed by Chassidim (69%) and Sephardim (53%),

Sixty-seven percent of chareidi families own apartments, according to a survey published for the Hamodia newspaper ahead of the conference. The event is the largest business conference held in the chareidi sector and attracts the most senior businesspeople and politicians in Israel.

The survey was conducted by Seker Halacha included 410 respondents, a sample representation of adult chareidi population according to the communities of mainstream chareidim in their residential areas.

The poll also reveals that 49% of chareidim with families of 18-25-year-olds own an apartment. 71% of homes ages 26-35-years-old owns an apartment. 75% of homes ages 36-45-years-old own an apartment. 78% of homes ages 46-55-years-old own an apartment. 92% of homes over the age of 56 own an apartment.

Most of the apartment owners are Litvish (76%), while chassidim are 69% and Sephardim 53%. More chareidim own apartments outside of Jerusalem and Bnei Brak. 61% of chareidi families in Jerusalem own an apartment. That number is 62% in Bnei Brak and 73% in other cities.

When asked to express their level of economic satisfaction, more chareidim who own homes are satisfied with their economic situation than non-homeowners; 44% as compared to 31% respectively. The matter of owning an apartment will be among the major issues discussed at the economic summit.

Among the expected speakers are: Minister of Health Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, Minister of Transport Yisrael Katz, Minister of Education Naftali Bennett, US Ambassador to Israel David Friedman, Minister of the Interior Aryeh Deri, Knesset Finance Committee Chairman Moshe Gafni, and a series of senior executives from the economy: Finance Ministry Director-General Shai Babad, Dedi Perlmutter, former Intel executive vice president, Prof. Amnon Shashua, CEO of PAGI, Yinon Shweika, Yaniv Shirazi, CEO of Strauss Water Israel and more.


Minister Aryeh Deri and former Shas Minister Ariel Atias on housing panel in the previous conference.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photo Credit: משה גולדשטיין)

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