High Court Rejects Motion To Destroy Homes Of Murderers Of Muhmad Abu Khadir

Jerusalem Arab teen 16-year-old Muhmad Abu-Khadir of Bet Haninah was murdered by Jewish teens in the summer of 2014. After abducting him near his home, they drove to the area of the Jerusalem Forest, where they R”L beat him severely and then set him on fire while still alive.

The adult defendant convicted in the murder, 29-year-old Yosef Chaim Ben-David and a minor were sentenced to 21 years imprisonment.

The family of the slain teen petitioned the High Court of Justice, seeking to have the homes of the families of the convicted murderers destroyed. The court announced its decision in the case on Tuesday, 10 Tammuz, rejecting the request to raze the homes.

The court explained that it understands the family of the victim; as often, the home of the family of an Arab terrorist is razed. However, the court explained this is used as a means of deterrence, which is not necessary here since Jews murdering Arabs in hate crimes is a rate event. In addition, the court pointed out they received stiff sentences.

Family members are angry, insisting if the victim was Jewish and convicted murderers Arab, their homes would be destroyed within a number of days.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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