Israel: Heatwave Continues To Result In An Increased Demand On EMS

For the second day in a row, the heavy heat that has hit Israel has caused a sharp in cease in emergency calls to Magen David Adom on Monday, 9 Tammuz; MDA Teams Have Already Tended to More Than 367 Cases

For the past couple of days Israel has been faced with a heatwave and extraordinarily high temperatures that have caused a sharp increase in emergency calls to MDA’s 101 dispatch centers throughout the country.

Beginning Sunday, 8 Tammuz, at 6 AM until Monday, at 4 PM, MDA’s medical teams, who are currently on high alert, had already treated more than 367 people for heat-related emergencies: 178 felt fatigue, 161 fainted, and over 28 were dehydrated, among them was a 17 year old female who was evacuated to Sheba Medical Center in moderate condition on Sunday.

This is a dramatic increase in emergency cases as on the same day last year MDA only received reports of 90 people who fainted, 13 who were dehydrated and 151 who felt fatigue.

MDA continues to stress how important it is to check the backseat of cars to ensure no child was left behind. Throughout the day, check the back seats of parked cars and call MDA and the police in any case you identify children without adult supervision. Increased attention can save the lives of many infants.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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