Mir Yerushalayim Shines As Inspectors Appear To Assess The Presence Of Talmidim

The final inspection of the year held in the auditorium of Mir Yeshiva was a success on Monday, 9 Tammuz, following a failed inspection earlier in the year. In the latest inspection, the final rating was 94%.

The yeshiva students came to the dining room and passed before the inspectors despite the heavy heat, presenting their identity cards and necessary documents. According to a Kikar Shabbos report, 1,072 students who were examined and 1,005 passed the test.

The inspection was conducted under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and inspectors arrived at 10:30AM, calling on students whose last name began with ד, ז, ח, י, כ, נ, ס, צ. Rabbonim instructed talmidim to halt the seder and report for inspection.

The impressive turnout had an immediate impact, as Education Minister Naftali Bennet instructed officials to disregard the results of the previous inspection and to rely on the results of the latest one. This has a direct impact on the release of state funds for the yeshiva.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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