Yesh Atid MK Sends A Letter To Gedolei Torah

Yesh Atid MK Meir Cohen is known to many as the token Sephardi in the party headed by Yair Lapid, so it was not for nothing that he was considered one of Lapid’s close associates.

On Sunday, MK Meir Cohen sent a polite letter, in which he addressed personally Gedolei Yisrael, HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita and HaGaon HaRav Shalom Cohen Shlita. while there is doubt if the letter did reach the gedolim, it did reach the media.

He writes “To our sorrow and shame, we are still witness to the exclusion of Sephardim from registration to religious institutions belonging to the chareidi Ashkenazi stream. Despite the many promises made, we see that the phenomenon is not disappearing and in certain cases even intensified.”

“I hereby appeal to you to act uncompromisingly to abolish the phenomenon that excludes Jews and Jewish children and bnei Torah and causes them sorrow and injustice, for the sake of the unity and love of Israel.”

To Rav Shalom Cohen, the Knesset Member, adds the following paragraph: “Your Honor, you are the head of the largest Sephardic chareidi party in the world dedicated to glorifying glorious Sephardic Jewry, but we continue to witness the humiliation experienced by students, and their parents, only because of their origin.”

Cohen ends his letter with “May HKBH give you bracha and longevity in good health and strength”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I find it confusing how someone can write a letter of appeal to abolish discrimination and yet at the same time connect himself to those that discriminate! This is contradictory. Perhaps he should reconsider whom he aligns himself with.

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