EMS Reports Sharp Increase In Call Volume Due To July Heatwave In Eretz Yisrael

The heatwave that has his Israel caused an increase in medical emergency calls to MDA’s dispatch centers throughout the country. On Sunday, 8 Tammuz, MDA was called to treat 166 individuals: 77 with fatigue, 75 who fainted and 14 with dehydration, one of which was a 17-year-old female evacuated to Sheba Medical Center in moderate condition.

MDA urges the public to look at the backseat of the car to ensure no child is left behind. Also ensure to look at parked cars and call MDA and the police in any case you identify a child left in a car without adult supervision. Increased awareness can save the lives of many infants.

The heatwave is expected to continue today, Monday, and Tuesday, with some relief perhaps on Wednesday, 11 Tammuz.

MDA Chief Eli Bin adds, “MDA remains on high alert following the heatwave in Israel. In order to avoid physical harm, I repeat and ask the public to adhere to MDA’s safety guidelines, pay close attention to vulnerable individuals such as the elderly, infants and babies, stay hydrated and in a cool, air conditioned area. Parents and other drivers – before leaving the car scan it and look at parked cars to ensure no child was left behind. One look can save a life.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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