SHOCKING PHOTOS: Motzei Shabbos Riot In Bnei Brak Between Vishnitz And Bobov Talmidim

A riot broke out between the Chassidei Vishnitz (Reb Mendel) and talmidim of Yeshivas Eitz Chaim Bobov on Ezra Street in Bnei Brak on Motzei Shabbos.

According to a report released by Chadrei Chareidim, quoting “reliable testimonies”, a group of young men from the Bobov yeshiva near the Vishnitz Chassidus Center shouted at the Rebbe and his followers when they came out for Kiddush Levana. Although efforts were made to silence them, they continued to do so. In response, dozens of avreichim and students from Vishnitz came to the Bobov yeshiva building, beating the young men for insulting their rebbe’s kovod.

The report, states the Yeshiva’s Mashgiach was among those hit for not stopping the bochrim from doing what they did. In addition, the entrance to the yeshiva building was defaced as was the lobby inside.

A Vishnitz askan told Chadrei “They are ungrateful. We live with them for several years and maintained good relations. We helped them more than once. When they had a hachnasas Sefer Torah at the yeshiva building, requesting a large dance area we made the ‘Heichal HaTischen’ available to them.

The askan continues, “A few days ago, they had a blackout and it was impossible to continue learning without air conditioning. We opened a beis medrash that was shut, making it available to them. We didn’t expect such a payback”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

29 Responses

  1. If you are going to write Lushun hurah do if all the way
    Let’s get the story straight it was 1 bucher that scream, that bucher did not learn in that yeshiva, no one asked to stop (he just yelled mendele and that’s it)
    Those mentilistin just gave out their anger on yeshiva after getting preusre from their “rebbe” listen to his latest drushas nuts it’s even the word no wonder his chasidim look like that they literally made a progrom with biziy beis medresh ripping off mezuzahs and throwing down tefilin and sefurim the is mamish hard to say but like what the natziys yms did and who is talking about other Jews
    Painful for my eyes to see what was done all because of a “getchke”

  2. Nah, this is nothing. Stuff happens. Please remove this story.
    Let’s get back to the evilness of Lakewood. Lets keep condemning an entire community. We can’t get distracted. We must concentrate on Lakewood 24/7 without let up. We can’t let the Torah haters get distracted. Keep all the boich sevaros coming.

  3. This story is not the full story. The viznitz rebbe started kiddush levana very late at night and they were making a lot of noise. So the bucharim came out to tell them to be quiet so they can sleep. And the chassidim got angry at them.

    This post that ywn put up is from viznitz chassidim.

  4. The pictures are indeed shocking but which Yeshiva building is it that was trashed? Your report in very unclear.

  5. This is exactly why we don’t have a Beis Hamikdosh. And also little things like cursing a chareidi soldier who was trying to buy a sefer erev shabbos. And many other incidents driven by gross ignorance. Nice work guys. Getting into the Tisha B’av frame of mind early. Very sad.

  6. Lol. This isn’t a Riot between two sides, it’s pretty one-sided at this point.

    And quoting the aggressors and painting them at victims doesn’t help either.

    (A Vishnitz askan told Chadrei….)

  7. There are 2 major gaps in this story (as of 4:45pm Sunday)
    1) What were the Bobover Chassidim yelling/complaining about? (what’s beef between them?)
    2) Which Bobov?

  8. How are we supposed to act if this is how they act? I’m ashamed for these people and I am ashamed of them

  9. This is beyond sick,and makes me feel so upset.What good comes from violence??Violence is not the way of Klal Yisrael.
    If it is indeed true that young men had the audacity to shame the Rebbe,there are other ways to rectify the situation.
    Very very sad story that bodes no good.

  10. It would be better if they used their energy in Tzahal to fight Arabs instead of for fighting fellow Yidden. And Mr. Askan, is lack of hakaros hatov a reason for being beaten up by a Yid?!

  11. Re:Wise-Guy
    These were Bobov48 bucherim.

    A disgrace for both sides what happened. This is not a one time incident, these bucherim keep bothering the vishnitzer rebbe by coming to his tishen and laughing and talking there making fun of him. This story is when the balloon busted. What a shame.

  12. Shame on YWN for reporting this story.
    A) It’s missing much of the event: thankfully, and B) this is the purest לשון הרע. Reporting a story as this, is what’s keeping the בית המקדש from being rebuilt. Shame on YWN!
    My pists they filter out but this is newsworthy in their eyes and they call themselves “YESHIVA” world news? Like a previous post, it פאסטס for Yediot Achronot!

  13. If this was done by arabs the outrage would be deafening. The fact that it was done by so called Shomrei Torah U’Mitzvos makes it ten times worse. No different then when the nazis desecrated Shul’s and Yeshivos during the holocaust. Disgraceful !

  14. Among the many strange stories reported here, this one is bizarre. The facts make no sense. Whey would the Vishnitzer Rebbe care if one or several Bobover misfits made some noise while he was bentchen levanah?? Equally confusing is what, if anything, did R’ Hager do wrong that triggered some disruptive comments from the Bobover yungerleit?? Finally, why didn’t either Halberstram or Unger (unclear which Bobov was involved) discipline his yungerleit who acted in this way? Sounds like this whole brogias is overblown but the some of the postings make it sound like a “pogrom”.


  16. Since this isn’t “news” of any significant sort, I’m pretty disappointed to see YWN report it. But like other posters have said, if you are going to report it, do it accurately.
    The Bobov yeshiva is a “klal chasidi” yeshiva, i.e. lots of different bachurim learn there. We aren’t Bobovers but my son learns there and this is what happened: 1-2 bachurim from the yeshiva behaved with terrible chutzpah and yelled “Mendele” while Reb Mendel and his chasidim were outside after davening kiddush levanah (yes, it was extremely late at night). At which point somewhere between 100-200 of Reb Mendel’s followers burst into the yeshivah and ransacked the place. They completely trashed the beis medrash, threw an entire bookcase full of tefillin on the floor and then sprayed them with a fire extinguisher (BH only the velvet covers were damaged), tried to break into the aron kodesh (they couldn’t), destroyed all the vending machines, ripped the recklach and yeshivah chalaten off the hooks and sprayed them with a fire extinguisher as well (everything in my son’s pockets was ruined), overturned and broke furniture and personal belongings in the dorm rooms, broke windows, broke the gates to the yeshivah and I don’t remember what else. The boys learning in Bobov tried to stop them but with very few exceptions did not attack them. At least one Bobov boy had to be taken to the hospital to make sure his nose wasn’t broken.
    THAT is the story, and If you are going to report it, report it as it was. This was obviously communicated content from that sector of Vizhnitz, or sent in by someone from that sector. Yes, the 1-2 boys who yelled “Mendele” were completely out of line, and as the mashgiach in the yeshiva said, under normal circumstances he would have suspended them for at least a week for acting with such disrespect. But the reaction was a literal pogrom and a huge chillul Hashem.
    Also, when it comes to Vizhnitz, it’s important to distinguish which Vizhnitz you mean, there are huge differences between them.

  17. Such false reporting. To say it was a riot between two sides is pure fiction. One boy called out ‘mendele!’ (Viznits’s first name) through a window. The viznitzeh guys came in and started beating up people (one boy hospitalized broken nose… ) and destroying the place. They really tried ripping apart the aron kodesh saying “you guys aren’t jews if someone had the chutzpah to call him by his first name”. Thankfully they couldn’t get to the sefer torah. The pictures you see are Only from the Bobov side. Not a single thing act of violence was committed in return.

  18. 1) This is what happens when you have thousands of kids prevented from getting an education and/or employment, and need something to keep themselves occupied.

    2) If this pogrom had been caused by non-Jews, everyone here would (rightfully) be calling for this matter to be publicized, investigated, and prosecuted. However, since it was instead caused by Jews, half of the comments instead demand that this article be immediately deleted. It doesn’t work that way…a crime is a crime regardless of whether the perpetrator wears boots and a Hugo Boss uniform, a kafieh or a shtreimel.

  19. “1) This is what happens when you have thousands of kids prevented from getting an education and/or employment, and need something to keep themselves occupied. ”

    That’s why public schools are crime free? Zai nisht kan oiber chuchem.

  20. Of course the Viznitz bochurim overreacted in a wholly indefensible way but obviously those commenting here are not Chassidim. No chossid will stand for his Rebbe being disrespected in private or in public. The bochurim from the Klal Chassidi Bobov Yeshiva know that. From what I have heard there have been numerous incidents of gross disrespect to the Viznitzer Rebbe from bochurim in that Yeshiva, that the Yeshiva has done nothing about. This time the Viznitz bochurim snapped. What they did was wrong, as the Viznitzer Rebbe himself has said, but their reaction to stand up for the Rebbe’s kovod was not.

  21. Amazing how people with an ax to grind will construe it into anything. “Thousands of people not being educated and employed” ?!?#@ Where have you been for the past 3300 years? We have a Torah to live by and learn, כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו. Obviously this bachur did some thing wrong (which human beings tend to do from time to time as you so elequontly said regardless what head covering they wear) and obviously the yungerleit who reacted violently to the insult (a good number of which are in all likelihood employed) acted inapropiately. Despite the unfortunate stories that make for gossip, these are NOT things that are the norm. I’ve been involved in learning and chinuch for about 50 years now in various Chasidish and Litvish yeshivas in America and in E.Y. and I can count on one hand incidents such as these that I can remember. Please don’t confuse Jews with Judaism.

  22. This is the first time i have actually started to read this newspaper (rag) this is totally disgusting and you writers should be very ashamed of yourselves to print this garbage

  23. @Izzzy: There is a difference between necessary and sufficient. It’s necessary, but not sufficient, for children (and even adults) to keep busy, in order to create well-behaved and productive individuals. When people have too much free time and energy, that will eventually spill-over into some activity, and if there is no outlet or infrastructure for positive activity, it will be harmful activity, which is always available.

    @ Chatzkal: You must have many fingers on your hand, because I can count more than five riots which occurred in the past year alone.

    And to everyone else, don’t tell me that cramming every 18-24 year old male into a room full of books is providing an education on activity. I’m sure that chatzkal, as an educator with 50 years of experience, can attest that very few children/ young adults have the patience to spend their entire day sitting on a chair and reading a book. Especially when they are forced to do so.

  24. You should verify a story b4 putting it on a public forum. The way u have portrayed it is totally wrong. One boy screamed the Rebbe’s name after the viznitz chassidim were making loads of noise after 12:00 am. After that 200 viznitz chassifim stormed the Bobov building behaving like terrorists, thereby injuring this who tried to keep them from entering. They tore off mezuzos, threw loads if tfillin on the floor, and even tried breaking the aron kodesh open, stating that they wanted to tear sifrei torah. Shame on them to even consider themselves innocent….is this the way yidden should behave? They
    broke windows, doors, the elevator and caused many thousands of dollars in damage, sprayed fire extinguishers on an entire room of bochurims clothing. They stormed up to the dorm rooms as well….shame on u to publish such a corrupted version of this story. It is public knowledge that this viznitz chassidus has been behaving violently as there were quite a few incidents recently involving disputes between them and others….

  25. What does verify a story mean? There are clearly two sides to this story and both are portrayed in the article and the comments. It is naive to think that a group of bochurim behaved as they did for no reason at all. This is no way justifies how they behaved but there must have been a serious trigger pulled for them to do as they did. This was not one crazy kid.

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