Yolish Krauss Plans To Reopen His Illegal Slaughterhouse

Yolish Krauss, operations officer of the Eida Chareidis who received a presidential pardon l and released from prison did not waste time announcing he will reopen his illegal slaughterhouse.

Kraus was released last week after serving less than six weeks of a five-month prison term on his conviction for operating an illegal slaughterhouse. President Reuven Rivlin pardoned him as his wife is about to have their 17th child.

The following was taken from his interview with Chadrei Chareidim.


How was it in prison?


Baruch Hashem very good. It was a vacation and now I need two a two-week vacation from the vacation.


Did you write a book?


I did not have time as I learned most of the day. I originally believed I would not have a matzav to learn but this was not so. Perhaps if I would have remained another two or three weeks, but I don’t think so.


What did you do about food? Did you refrain from coffee as is your norm?


B”H, I received matzos since I do not eat bread not baked at home or anything with flour or oil. I ate tuna in water, fruit and vegetables under the Eida Chareidis. I ate matzos from Pesach Sheni until Shavuos and afterwards, as Kretchnif chassidim have the minhag to eat matzos.


It’s no secret that the president of the Zionist state pardoned you, the president of the ‘State of Kofrim’. Do you have something to say about this?


If I hadn’t sat in jail, perhaps I could thank but I sat fifty days for failing to report to tax authorities. I had a gemach for Materna and they told me I must report despite the fact the turnover was 400 shekels monthly. Today, one who needs Materna from me, I only give the amount required and no more. I no longer sell and do not give Materna.


When are you going to return to work?


I hope in another two weeks so I can rest from the rest.


Will the slaughterhouse startup again? Is this an option?


I thought everything would be easier now but I think I will return to two days weekly. This is with the required permits of course as my taxes go to either Mir or Ponevezh as the avreira is only to accept [from the government and] not in paying.

Krauss, 44, who never applied for an ID (teudat Zehut) card, never reported for IDF service and never got a driver’s license, explains during his trial he was compelled to get a teudat zehut and he has been rejected for ten months. He has even filed a motion with an administrative court, and he is repeatedly rejected, telling him “where have you been till now?”

“They didn’t want to permit my children in to visit me since they too do not have ID cards. What are they thinking, that I brought children from the street to come and visit me?”

At the end of the interview, Krauss thanks everyone who wrote and davened on his behalf. He adds one must contemplate how many must suffer because of him for each tzoro HKBH brings to a person, and the pain of each one, citing something occurred that never occurred before, insisting this was a public and not a private matter.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. The headline is misleading. In the article it seems that the problem with the slaughterhouse was that he didn’t pay taxes. So if he reopens and pays taxes it will not be illegal.

  2. Being truely hareidi is illegal. He refuses to recognize the medinah. One should note that under the British or the Turks , there was no political or religious test for operating a kosher slaughterhouse. The slaughterhouse is politically illegal, but it is a perfectly good slaughterhouse (if it was unsafe, one wold have heard about it).

  3. #2
    In Israel slaughterhouses are allowed to operate under permit of the Veterinary Service of the Ministry of Agriculture. Local municipalities, Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Health are also involved in licensing the facility. The base of the law is rooted in British Mandate laws inherited by the government in 1948 with various changes. The kosher status is not an issue of getting a license, however if it is to be kosher then certain issues such as sewage salt disposal and koshering room temperatures are of concern.
    If you have visited it and have determined that it is a “perfectly good slaughterhouse” I am certain that if the owners appear in court for any licensing issues you would be welcome to testify on their behalf. Most assuring is telling us that products leaving the facility are safe.

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