Child Struck And Killed On Kvish 6 A Week After His Bar Mitzvah R’L

A boy who celebrated his bar mitzvah a week ago took his annual trip with his class visit Kevarim and Holy places in Northern Israel. The night they returned they stopped for refreshments on Highway 6, and near the Nitzanei Oz Interchange, the young man went down to the road for reasons that are still unclear and a passing vehicle hit him and he was R”L killed.

Traffic investigators are examining the scene and the circumstances of the tragedy.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Maybe it’s time for us to launch a serious, large-scale international organization/campaign focused on “vinishimartem linafshoseichem”? Of course, emunah, bitachon, hashgacha pratis. And we should consult Gedolei Torah on every detail, from before A to after Z. But maybe still.

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