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Jerusalem Arab Poses As Bituach Leumi Employee To Rob Elderly Couple

Jerusalem police arrested an eastern capital resident who posed as a Bituach Leumi employee and stole 2,000 shekels from an elderly couple.

Police during the last weeks of May received a complaint from an elderly couple explaining a male in his thirties arrived at their home in the center of town. He presented himself as an agent of Bituach Leumi while noticing the woman’s bag against the entrance. At some point he pushed her and made off with her wallet, containing 2,000 shekels in cash.

Police forensic experts arrived at the scene to gather evidence and the investigation led to the arrest of a 38-year-old Arab resident of the eastern capital. The suspect was arraigned on Tuesday, 3 Tammuz, at which time police asked to extend his remand in custody.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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