14 Percent Of Upcoming Graduating Pilots Are Hesder Talmidim

This coming Thursday, 5 Tammuz, another Israel Air Force pilot’s training program will graduate. It is reported that 14% of the graduates are talmidim who attended hesder yeshivot.

Class 174 is about to graduate and the cadets will receive their wings in the presence of President Reuven Rivlin, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eizenkott, and Air Force Commander Major-General Eshel.

46% of graduates come from cities and 30% from a yishuv kehilati and 22% from a moshav. Geographically speaking, 46% of the graduates come from northern Israel, 46% from the center and 8% from the south.

22% of the new pilots are the oldest child, 54% the middle child and 21% the youngest in the family. Only 3% are an only child and 11% are not the first in the family to receive pilot’s wings.

71% of the graduates were a member of a youth organization; 48% did a year of national service before the IDF or attended a mechina program and 14% learned in a hesder yeshiva.

In recent years, graduates of the extended program also receive a bachelor’s degree. 30% of the cadets opted to study politics and government; 24% economics & management, and 24% studied information systems management.

92% of those who completed the course were native Israelis and the remaining 8% immigrated from Italy, Spain and the US In addition, only 15% of the course participants will be on the parade ground for graduation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Kol hakovod to these young men who show that it is possible to combine limud torah with serving to protect the tzibur and provide security to all of the residents of EY. They show the selfishness of those who would hide behind a shtender and transfer the risks and burdens of national service on to others. A special shoutout to the rabbonim of the Hesder Yeshiva system who are the real gadolei yisroel for the inspiration they provide to their talmidim who will also have a goo parnassah when they complete their military service because of the secular studies they have completed, along with the real-world training they will receive while on active duty.

  2. Why cant you just make a positive comment with degrading those who choose to learn full time.
    Must we always put down others with a different ideal / perspective?

  3. To Kasher:
    If it were just a few who “choose to learn full time” , than there wouldn’t be an issues. However, when the large percentage of the tzibur seeks to shift their share of responsibility for national service, and that segment of the tzibur is growing as a percentage of the total population, their unwillingness to perform some type of public service for even a few hours a week becomes an existential issue for EY.

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