PM Netanyahu Comments On Ongoing Crisis In Hadassah Hemo-Oncology Unit

The crisis continues surrounding the hemo-oncology unit at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital continues, and has even made its way from the court of public opinion to Israel’s High Court of Justice.

The doctors who resigned from the pediatric bone-marrow unit remain in a stand-off with the Ministry of Health and Hadassah Director-General Prof. Ze’ev Rothstein.

During the opening of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, 1 Tammuz, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu addressed the crisis while the media was present. Following are his remarks pertaining to the crisis: “I would like to refer to the crisis at Hadassah. It has gone on far too long. Attempts have been made, also by me, via the Health Minister who has worked tirelessly on the matter, and by others, including the President, to resolve the crisis. These attempts have not succeeded. A motion has been filed with the High Court of Justice, which will convene on Wednesday and we are all awaiting the discussion.

“I request that the sides make a final effort, which will not be simple, to restore the status quo ante – so that these tired and sick children will not continue to suffer – and then allow six months or a year to consider matters. If the issue is not resolved with this simple proposal and since the sick children are in a tent in Sachar Park, I have appealed to the court to advance its discussion tomorrow. There is no reason to wait another two days and cause the children unnecessary suffering.”

Health Minister Yaakov Litzman released his own statement, adding, “I join the words of Prime Minister Netanyahu and call on the doctors to return to work, accepting the offer to return to their previous status for an experimental period during which the issues can be weighed towards bringing solution to the suffering of the children.

“This is time to get up and exhibit national responsibility for the good of the children and their parents. The Health Ministry, with me at the helm, will do everything to implement the agreement reached due to the efforts of President Rivlin, including meeting the demands of parents and returning to the situation that which existed ahead of the crisis for the good of the children”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Patient abandonment is really malpractice. Doctors might change their tune if there were credible threats of malpractice suits and loss of license to practice medicin.

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